About CellStemClinic therapy center

Equip Your Immune System With the Power to Self-Heal
Our immune system has the purpose to keep infectious microorganisms out of our bodies, to fight those which do succeed to enter the body and to keep them from harming us. It is a very complex system of cells and organs, which together protect the body from such attacks. Such a complex network is in constant need of the right resources, in form of nutrients, vitamins and other molecules, in order to function properly.
When the immune system does not function correctly, your overall wellbeing can be at stake; because the whole body is suddenly very weakened. The effects can manifest in form of allergies and hypersensitivity, to autoimmune diseases.
Infusion Therapies can help assist your body and strengthen your immune system by providing the compounds it needs. With the right ingredients in the right concentrations, your immune system is equipped to combat bacterial, viral or parasitic infections. Together with lifestyle changes, such as being physically active, avoiding stress and getting enough sleep, this can be a powerful tool to help you prevent diseases, or recover faster when you do catch a cold.
How Cell Stem Clinic’s Infusion Therapy Can Help You:
Cell Stem Clinic has a collaboration with a pharmacy which specializes in Infusion Therapy. Together we have developed the right mix of ingredients to boost your immune system effectively. This specific blend contains molecules that will give you energy and help strengthen your immune system. Paired with our Stem Cell Secretome, this Immune Boost Infusion Therapy could be exactly what your body needs to facilitate the mechanisms of your immune system. Help your body help yourself.
The infusion schmemes may be tailored to 1-5 days in lenght with infusions including:
Concentrated Protokoll infusion
AS immune infusion
MitoEnergy infusion
Myers Cocktail infusion
Paired with our Stem Cell Secretome, this Infusion Therapy Program has the power to significantly increase your overall heath status. Let your body health itself.

The best reward for CellStemClinic is successful treatment and improvements in our patients, their words of gratitude and smiles on their faces.
"We are very happy with the results of the treatment of our child. We keep in touch with the doctors at the clinic."
T. Bonetti ,"We visit CellStemClinic on a regular basis, practically, every year. Having tried out various product propositions, we have always been happy about the quality of all treatments, their results, staff professionalism, ambiance and food. I would highly recommend the clinic to anyone who would like to pursue a more healthy and natural option of our regeneration process. My best wishes, Irina B."
Irini B.,"I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to all the CellStemClinic. I was pleasantly surprised when the doctors talked me through everything that was going on, explained why this or that particular action was taken, what kind of drugs were being administered and why they were prescribed in the first place, and what type of equipment they were using. Thank You"