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Expected improvements in patients after our mesenchymal stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

  • Reduction of akinesia, rigidity and tremor amplitude

  • Psychoemotional and cognitive improvements

  • Reduction of vegetative abnormalities

  • Gait and speech improvement

Parkinson’s Disease stem cell treatment at CellStemClinic

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by different neurological disturbances related to motor skills, balance, psychoemotional disturbances, cognitive impairment and social behavioral disorders.

Parkinson’s is characterized by both motor symptoms (tremors, slowed movements, muscle stiffness, balance and posture problems, loss of automatic movements, and difficulties with speech and writing) and non-motor signs and symptoms (anhedonia, depression, anxiety, olfactory deficiency, sleep disorders, and cognitive impairment). Symptoms of the disease include the loss of a large number of neurons in the brain. These neurons produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that provides signal transduction to the nerve cells.

Parkinson’s treatment

Cell Stem Clinic

About treatment

CellStemClinic offers Parkinson’s treatment with stem cells. We have developed treatment protocols for the management and control of the disease, which has proven to be effective in cases of all stages of Parkinson’s disease.

We have extensive experience in both primary and secondary Parkinsonism.

CellStemClinic’s doctors have established 2 unique treatment programs for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease:

  • 2-day treatment with intravenous and subcutaneous use of stem cells: developed for patients with mild and moderate-to-severe Parkinson’s disease course and having associated somatic pathology.

  • 3-day treatment course with intravenous, subcutaneous and intrathecal administration of stem cells: this program specially developed for the patients with moderate-to-severe and severe PD involving postural instability.

Both 2 and 3 day treatment courses includes a session with our physiotherapy specialist (physical therapist) to additionally support the physical abilities of the patient.

In 100% of cases, Parkinson’s treatment with stem cells results in psychoemotional improvements. After stem cell treatment in CellStemClinic, patients demonstrate positive emotions, improved thinking, more expression, intelligible and louder speech, and more persistent memory and intellect.


Cell Stem Clinic

"We are very happy with the results of the treatment of our child. We keep in touch with the doctors at the clinic."

T. Bonetti , Switzerland

"We visit CellStemClinic on a regular basis, practically, every year. Having tried out various product propositions, we have always been happy about the quality of all treatments, their results, staff professionalism, ambiance and food. I would highly recommend the clinic to anyone who would like to pursue a more healthy and natural option of our regeneration process. My best wishes, Irina B."

Irini B., Moscow

"I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to all the CellStemClinic. I was pleasantly surprised when the doctors talked me through everything that was going on, explained why this or that particular action was taken, what kind of drugs were being administered and why they were prescribed in the first place, and what type of equipment they were using. Thank You"

Grace, Austria